Thursday, August 22, 2013

Dueling Styles

     What's shakin' Duelists? Today we're gonna take a look at the different ways to duel. In my personal dueling circle, there are a total of five of us. We each are really good at dueling, but we have our own approaches. We duel one another at least twice a week, and have done so over the last seven years. Sometimes we duel one on one, other times two on two. We've even done three on one duels, and the occasional five duelist free for all. No matter what setup we use, we always have a good time. There are never any hard feelings, and it inspires us to become better duelists. Here is a summary of our dueling styles.

     First up, is me, Muramasa the Coach. I prefer using a deck that favors Synchro Summoning. I have at least three Fusion and three Xyz monsters in my Extra Deck. The other nine spots are always Synchro Monsters. I keep at least one Ritual Monster in my deck at any given time. My deck favors Dragon-type monsters most of the time. When I play by non-tournament rules, I like to use a lot of the forbidden cards. When I play by tournament rules, I use cards that fill my monster zones as quickly as possible to allow for a Synchro Summon in the first or second turn. I get called the Coach a lot, because I volunteer some of my free time teaching newcomers to the game, and giving my circle suggestions and advice on how to improve their own decks.

     Next, there is my best friend, Sentinel the Guardian. He likes to use a more defensive strategy. His deck has a lot of high DEF monsters, and he prefers to counterattack rather than attack. Sentinel loves to Tribute Summon, and then Special Summon the monsters used as tribute back from the graveyard. He also is a big fan of Ritual Monsters, and keeps a fair number of them in his deck. He does a bit of Fusion Summoning, Synchro Summoning, and Xyz Summoning, but only keeps one or two of each in his Extra Deck. He updates his Spells and Traps quite often, and a fair amount of his dueling might comes from that. Sentinel is a good partner, because he always has your back in a duel, no matter how crazy a duel it is.

     The third member of our duelist circle is Venus the Heartbreaker. We call her that because every guy she duels outside of our circle falls in love with her dueling skill. I mean, she's quite lovely as well, but with us, it's more about the skills. Venus loves to Xyz Summon more than anything, and is a big fan of cards that allow for piercing damage. Her deck is centered about Fairy-type monsters and all of those that have "cute, cuddly art on them". She makes for a good partner because of her choice of Quick-Play Spell Cards and Counter Trap Cards.

     Next is Chaos, the Destructor. He is our most hardcore duelist, because when he's done, most of the cards used in the duel end up in the graveyard. He likes to duel fast and loose, and won't hesitate to send cards to the graveyard to get the one or two he needs for the win. Chaos keeps the field clear a lot of the time, using Spells and Traps that either wipe it clean, or send a card or two to be banished from the game. His deck is fairly balanced between Warrior-types, Machine-types, and Spellcaster-types. His Extra Deck is half Fusion and half Synchro, with an Xyz Monster thrown in once in a while.

     Last, and certainly not least, is Serenity the Enlightened. She is the younger sister of Venus, and a real tough cookie in the dueling arena. The monsters in her deck are only Effect Monsters. The same holds true for her Extra Deck. Serenity's Spells and Traps cover the weaknesses that her Effect Monsters can't take care of. When we duel by non-tournament rules, she loves to use Exodia the Forbidden One for a quick win. Although she is a bit younger than we are, she holds her own in a five duelist free for all. She either comes in first or second a lot of the time.

     So there you have it, duelists. I've given you a peek into my dueling world. We've shared a lot of memories over the years, and still look forward to each and every duel we are gonna have. In the future, I'll share with you some specific strategies and combos the five of us use. Until next time, keep on duelin'!

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